Friday, September 16, 2011

Romantic Era Fashion Plate - March 1821 Ladies' Monthly Museum

Romantic Era Fashion Plate - March 1821 Ladies' Monthly Museum

The Mirror of Fashion for March, 1821

A round dress of cambric, trimmed with Urling's patent lace: cachemire pelisse of Egyptian brown; the facings formed of three distinct rouleaux of pink satin; between each of which runs a braiding of a most elegant and novel kind, the same colour as the pelisse: which is made with a mantelet pelerine, or pilgrim's mantle. Black velvet bonnet, lined with pink, with feathered tufted edge, and crowned with a beautiful plume of very full, but short, curled feathers. Muff, of swansdown, or white Siberian fox. Triple ruff, of fine Mechlin lace; mazarine-blue morrocco boots, and doe-skin gloves.

Evening Dress
Round dress, of blush-coloured satin, with deep flounce of fine blond, or Urling's patent lace, at the edge of the border; the flounce surmounted by two full distinct rouleaux of pink satin, confined, at distant intervals, by bouquets of roses and everlastings; sash, of pink-satin broad riband, with bow behind. Wreath of full-blown blush roses on the head as far as the ears: the hair arranged a l'enfant, with short ringlets in the neck. Shoes of white spotted gros de Naples; white kid gloves, and white crape fan, richly ornamented at the edge with spangle: this costume is sometimes adopted for the ball-room.

These two elegant dresses display the superior taste and fancy of Miss Pierpoint, inventress of the Corset a la Grecque, No. 9, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, to whom we are obliged for their exact copy, as presented to our readers in this Number.

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