Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Romantic Era Fashion Plates - May 1830 The Ladies' Pocket Magazine

Romantic Era Fashion Plates - May 1830 The Ladies' Pocket Magazine

The Ladies' Toilet - Fashions represented in the Engravings

Evening Dress - A rose colored crape dress over a sarcenet slip to correspond; the corsage is cut very low round the bust, - tight to the shape behind, - and drape in front; the centre of the bosom is marked by a rouleau which descends to the waist. short full sleeve; the fulness disposed in a style of singular novelty and taste; it is terminated by a trimming of narrow blond lace. The trimming of the skirt consists of a single but excessively deep fall of blond lace, laid on at the upper edge of the hem. The hair is braided across the forehead on one side, and disposed in full curls on the other. The hind hair is arranged in platted bands, one of which is brought round the crown of the head in the form of a diadem; a full blown rose is placed just above the left temple, and a bouquet of wild flowers rises above the diadem of hair. A bouquet a la jardiniere ornaments one side of the bosom. Earrings, necklace, and bracelets, gold and rubies. White gros de Naples slippers. White kid gloves. Carved ivory fan.

Promenade Dress - A pelisse of bright French grey gros de Naples, corsage en coeur; it is tight to the shape, and the coeur is formed by a full trimming which goes round the back of the bust en pelerine, and descends on each side of the front to the waist; the trimming is headed by a rouleau; it is very deep behind, and on the shoulders, but becomes narrower as it descends to the waist. The sleeve is a l' Amadis. The dress fastens down the front by short noeunds with ends in the fan style. Bonnet of blue and pale rose color gros de Naples; it is of the chapeau-capote shape, and is very full trimmed with ribbons to correspond. Cambric collarette of the pelerine form, very richly embroidered. Yellow leather gloves, and yellow leather boots tipped at the toe with black.

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