Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Romantic Era Fashion Plate - July 1823 Ladies' Monthly Museum

Romantic Era Fashion Plate - July 1823 Ladies' Monthly Museum

The Mirror of Fashion for July, 1823

Morning Dress - a pelisse composed of French purple; the waist is long, and confined by a broad band: the collar is flat and edged by a narrow piping of the same; on the shoulders, an epaulette, formed by satin plaits and narrow-pointed vandyke trimming, surmounted by satin, on each. The skirt is elegantly finished by a wadded hem round the bottom, and ornamented by a novel trimming of leaves, placed obliquely and confined in the centre with a silk button of the same material. Bonnet composed of white satin, with a groupe of flowers and blond in front; the sides confined by a new and elegant style of scarf, suspended from the back part of the crown, and fastened under the chin by a loop, or steel clasp; the edges ornamented with figured blond.

Evening Dress - A book-muslin dress, worn over a white satin slip: the body is low, and ornamented by three satin bows; a stomacher, formed with blond meeting in the centre, and confined by a broad band fastened with a steel clasp behind. The skirt is finished at the border by a scollop trimming, and surmounted by three rows of satin leaves, between each a rosette of needle-work. The hair dressed very full and brought in curls behind the ears. This dress is worn with a turban composed of blond over white satin, surmounted by a plume of white ostrich feathers. Pink reticule and white satin shoes.

These elegant dresses were invented by Miss Pierpoint, No. 12, Edward-street, Portman-square.

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