Friday, November 18, 2011

Romantic Era Fashion Plates - March 1837 Ladies' Pocket Magazine

Romantic Era Fashion Plates - March 1837 Ladies' Pocket Magazine

English Fashions and Novelties

London Carriage and Walking Dress - Blue satin robe, the corsage made quite up to the throat, and fitting exactly to the shape, is trimmed with a double lappel, cut at the edges in dents of a novel shape, it goes round the back and shoulders, and descends to the waist on each side of the front, forming the shape in the stomacher stile. The sleeve is tight a little way below the shoulder, and large from thence to the wrist. A double row of trimming corresponding with the lappel, goes down the centre of the skirt. Slate coloured velvet hat, and oval brim, the interior trimmed at the sides in a very light stile with blonde illusion, and a single pink flower, a light sprif of the same flowers, and a band of velvet adorns the crown; the brides are attached to the trimming of the interior of the brim, and are of pink figured ribbon. Velvet shawl of a new pattern, lined, wadded, and trimmed with a superb fringe.

Dress for Dinner Parties and the Italian Operas - Straw coloured rep velvet robe, low corsage trimmed with folds en coeur, and a knot of ribbon in the centre of the bosom; short sleeves made tight, but partially covered with three falls of trimming of the same material, disposed in round hollow plaits, and surmounted by a knot of satin ribbon. Claret coloured velvet chapeau toque, a low round crown, the front arranged in the papillon stile, has the interior ornamented on the left side with a knot of satin ribbon, corresponding with the dress; a very long ostrich feather, the barbes of which are mingled with those of marabou, placed at the base of the crown, droops over the other side of the brim as low as the shoulder. Necklace and bracelets; fancy jewellery. White kid gloves, trimmed round the top with a wreath of marabous.

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