Saturday, December 10, 2011

Romantic Era Fashion Plate - August 1829 Ladies' Pocket Magazine

Romantic Era Fashion Plate - August 1829 Ladies' Pocket Magazine

The Ladies' Toilet

Fashions Represented in the Engravings

Walking Dress - A dress of amber-colored gros de Naples, with a very broad hem round the border of the skirt, surmounted by two narrow flounces, the upper one falling over the other, so as to conceal the half of it. The body is made only partially high, with a fichu of tulle worn underneath: the tucker part of the dress has a triple frill ornament of gros de Naples surrounding it; and a scarf of blue silk, with a violet-colored broad fringe at the ends, is tied round the throat. The body of the dress is made en gerbe, and the sleeves are a l'imbecille, with embroidered muslin cuffs, with a ruffle next the arm, of lace, and confined at the wrists by broad bracelets of gold, clasped by a large garnet, set round by pearls. Hat of Leghorn, elegantly ornamented with branches of foliage, and pink ribbon.

Rural Ball Dress - A dress of white gauze, with broad satin stripes of celestial-blue, over a slip of white gros de Naples. Two bias folds surround the border of the gauze dress, set on rather full; the upper one surrounded by two rouleaux of satn, placed close together: the body made quite plain, and fitting tight to the shape, with a double falling tucker of very broad blond: the sleeves short, with a very broad ruffle-frill of blond next the elbow, where the edge of it almost touches. The hair is adorned with bows of blue ribbon. The ear-rings and necklace are of pearls.

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