Thursday, May 17, 2012

Romantic Era Fashion Plate - April 1836 The World of Fashion

Romantic Era Fashion Plate - April 1836 The World of Fashion Newest London and Paris Fashions for April, 1836 Morning and Evening Dresses Fig 1 - An opera cloak of sky-blue satin, trimmed with swan's-down; the skirts about half a yard shorter than the dress, and sloped away in front; at the point, where the slope begins, is placed a blue satin bow, which comprises the upper part; the hanging sleeves are wide and long; the cape hangs in long points before, to which are attached gold tassels: under this elegant dress, appears a robe of straw colour silk. The head dress consists of a blue toque adorned with white feathers, and mounted on a gold bandeau, in front of which are large rubies set in gold; white gloves and shoes; gold fan. Fig 2 - A bright green skirt, over which is a white crape dress, cut round the hem in fine deep scollops, and trimmed with Vandyked lace; the front division is drawn up on each side with large knots of green and gold ribbon, similar ornaments are on the short sleeves, which, tight at the top, have a sabot trimmed with lace underneath. The corsage tight, with a falling lace tucker. The hair in flat braids interwoven with the green and gold ribbon. White gloves and slippers. Fig 3 - A morning dress of pale blue silk, opening en redingote on the left side, and trimmed down with a narrow twisted rouleau of red ribbon; tight corsage and falling worked muslin collar; full sleeves, the shoulder-straps formed by a double rouleau; cuffs, ornamented en suite. French peasants' cap of white muslin, pink ribbons and two branches of the pink bird weed. Primrose gloves; black kid slippers. Half-Length Figures 1 - Reversed view of the second whole-length; the dress represented white, the ribbons purple and gold. 2 and 3 - The reversed and side view of an evening dress; the first represented in straw colour, the other in pale pink; both have draped corsages. Short sleeves composed of six narrow sabots, blond ruffles, and bows upon the shoulders. Rosettes, en suite, in the hair (which is dressed in Sevigne ringlets). A bow with long ends placed on the knot of hair behind; bandeau of pearls.

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